Elves are the largest and most physical of the faerie. Whether it is this fact, or some other advantage we are unaware of, it is true that elves are the rulers of the fae realms. Their subjects include all manner of spirit, such as piskies, sprites, hobs, and spriggans.
In the West, the elves of the Seelie Court faded away, hidden or dead, after the endless wars of the Age of Chaos. As everyone knows, the summerfolk, commanded by their eternal Elfking, joined in the alliance of law before the End of Days. There were few warriors among the elves, but these were warriors without equal. The hobs of the summer woods traveled hill and vale, bewitching the agents of Chaos, while the spriggans erupted from bogs and briars, flinging the enemy with their giant strength.
Far from rewarded for their solidarity with the beings of Oerth, the summerfolk were crushed in the final battles of the age. When the war was over, the Elfking returned the Seelie Court to the endless wood to sleep for an age. Though their ancient forests live on, the elves of the West are no more.
In the East, the elves of the Unseelie Court walk among us. Unlike the summerfolk, the elves of endless winter abandoned Oerth against the great enemy, the Lords of Chaos. In this modern age, the Queen of Elphame guides them in their mischief and misdeeds, and they are fond of making terrible bargains with men, stealing their names and stealing their children to replace with elven changelings. The winterfolk of the Unseelie Court live everywhere and nowhere, for wherever there are two trees together you may find a doorway to Elphame, but should you search for that place you will never find it.
Among the elves there are those who wander amongst the kingdoms of men. They rarely speak of Elphame, but it is clear that these wanderers are freaks and oddities among the winterfolk. Perhaps, it is whispered, these elves are actually the children stolen from the kind, forever altered by their time in the Unseelie Court. These wanderers have even been known to sire half-elven children, a more bizarre creation you will never see.
Elves are as rare as an honest priest, and the people of Marlenk know very little of them.